How is this for an intro – he has eyeballed a saltwater croc about to dine on the family cat, swum with pink dolphins in the Amazon, and taken a dip in Southern Africa’s Zambezi River, a back-eddy’s breadth from the 100-metre plunge that is the Victoria Falls. Nothing phases Pryda’s newly appointed BDM Builder Solutions.
A lifelong construction enthusiast, Rob is just as excited talking about building solutions as he is retelling past and future travel adventures. Though he concedes that nothing makes quite the same impression as being up close and personal with a croc.
Joining ITW back in 1995, Rob worked in various positions for roofing subsidiary Buildex over a 24-year stretch. Now with Pryda, and post COVID restrictions, he travels Australia and New Zealand, working with builders and developers to identify opportunities for innovation and smarter building solutions.
Right now, he’s excited about Pryda’s SpeedTruss – a truss installation system integrating pre-installed tie-down screws – which he says is one of the most exciting developments he’s seen in a long time. “It makes my job so much easier when you sell products that captivate the market,” says Rob.
Reflecting on his career in building and construction, he says methods and products have changed remarkably in response to code changes, weather extremes, and living tastes.
“Today it’s all about large living spaces. However, open plan living creates more structural stresses,” he says. “Smarter technology solves many of these challenges – and that’s where Pryda comes into its own, and why I signed up.”
Rob has construction in his blood. Following school, he completed a four-year apprenticeship as a wood machinist before working in various positions in building and construction in North Queensland. He built his first house at the age of 23 years.
With two daughters both through university and now working themselves, Rob and his wife of 30 years, Leonia don’t have time for empty nest syndrome. They are now able to indulge a passion for adventure travel, which has taken them up mountains, through jungles, and too close for comfort to apex predators.
“And I’ve still got all my limbs,” says Rob.
Rob Moore
Business Development Manager – Builder Solutions
M: +61 418 183 598